Google Lands Second Spot on World's Most Valuable Brands
Cola has finally lost its brand supremacy after 13 years spent leading
the list. It hasn’t just slipped to the second place, as Apple took
over, but rather to the third, coming after Google.According to the brand new Interbrand list, Google has climbed two spots in the past year, as it only took up the fourth place in 2012. Now, however, it has reached the second position, with a 34 percent increase in value over the last year.
The company’s brand is valued at some $93,291 million (€69,091 million). Google isn’t far behind Apple, whose brand is worth some $98,316 million (€72,810 million), which means it has a shot at becoming the most valuable brand in the world in 2014.
Coca-Cola seems to have lost a lot of its power as the brand value dropped to $79,213 million (€58,663 million), a lot less than Google.
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