Today's hottest deals include an AirPlay-enabled iOS device speaker at its lowest price yet, as well as a hot deal on a 24-inch ASUS LED gaming monitor. Want the latest deals delivered to your inbox? Join gdgt and add the gadgets you're shopping for to your "Want" list. Every time there's a price cut, you'll get an email alert!
Price: $199.99 (MSRP $399.99, lowest price yet). Free shipping/ Prime.
Buy: Amazon
Reviewers recommended Logitech's speaker as a solid third-party option for Apple devices, albeit with slight reservations. They praised its premium sound and its AirPlay streaming capabilities, but said it stumbled when compared to better devices in its initial price range, such as the Sonos Play:3. However, many of the gripes contained the caveat that the Logitech speaker would be well worth a look if found at a discount. Now that the discount is here, it looks to be a good time to buy and throw caution into the air(play).Buy: Amazon
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